Kham Tibetan Language Materials

by Renchin-Jashe and Kevin Stuart


The reader is undoubtedly aware that written Tibetan radically differs from what is spoken and that there are also many differences in, for example, written Tibetan in Amdo regions and that of Lhasa. The value of this material is that it presents one of the most widely used Tibetan dialects as it is actually spoken.

Renchin-Jashe, a native of Yulshul (Yushu) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province where Kham is spoken, wrote these sentences using a system that he devised. I then edited the sentences. The text "English 900" was of some use in this preparation. We have tried throughout to present sentences that reflect Tibetan culture.

Kevin Stuart
Institute of Foreign Languages
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia



Vowels with Suffixes

ie, uo, ue, ai, ei, ie, aa, ee, ou, oi, uu, ii, oo, uoe, am, im, um, em, om, al, il, ul, el, ol, an, in, un, en, on, ar, ir, ur, er, or, ang, ing, ung, eng, ong

The above vowels with suffixes are each comprised of two parts and each part has a sound. When voiced, the initial vowel is sounded, shifting quickly into the suffix sound.

Suffixes include the ten consonants: g, ng, d, n, b, m, v, r, l, and s. The suffixes m, n, l, and r are voiced the same as the consonants. The suffixes g, d, v, and s are voiced differently than when voiced as consonants. The suffix 'ng' is similar to the 'ng' in morning.

The hyphen "-" indicates syllables in words with more than one syllable.

900 Basic Sentences

  1. Qa e tel. Hello
  2. Chou ghale-jiele en? Is your life well?
  3. Nga Norbu Sangbho yin. I'm Norbu Sangbho.
  4. Chou Doje e rei? Are you Doje?
  5. Nga yin. Yes, I am.
  6. Chou dhemo yin nam? How are you?
  7. Nga dhemo yin, tujeche. Fine, thanks.
  8. Droma dhele ghale e ree? How is Droma?
  9. Mo ni dhele ghale ree tujeche. She is very well, thank you.
  10. Chou dhehi eyou, Avo Qalsang? How are you, Mr. Qalsang?
  11. Ghongmo zang, Ashe Yudron. Good evening, Ms. Yudron.
  12. Ghong mo chou dhemo en? How are you this evening?
  13. Da do nub dhe mo jie Tshering. Good night Tshering.
  14. Ghashou, Dondrub. Good-bye, Dondrub.
  15. Sang nyin tutree zei. See you tomorrow....